Business Coordination

Unlike on the ground, the extreme environment of space poses various restrictions on medical care. Considering these issues may create new perspectives and value for businesses in the medical healthcare field on the ground.
We hope to help you explore new knowledge in order to develop new markets.

Participation as an expert company in the global space medicine business platform ”Human In Space”.

Organised by Boryung of Korea, Human In Space (HIS) Challenge is an idea competition that supports start-ups a […]

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RFI Submitted to JAXA Space Exploration Innovation Hub

On July 6, 2023, we jointly submitted an RFI with BioCMOS Corporation, a company with advanced bioacoustic lis […]

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On September 4, 2023, the JAXA THINK SPACE LIFE platform announced the holding of a workshop to create a future vision of “the space we want to live in” and released “Space Life Conception β,” the starting point for the workshop.

MHI participated in the development of the Space Life Conception Beta from a medical and healthcare perspectiv […]

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国際宇宙ステーションの後継となる新商業ステーションで期待される、ライフサイエンス分野の宇宙実験や医学研究に関する新たなビジネスモデルについて、ステーションでの事業を目指す企業様と共に戦略立案を行いました。 微小重力環境を […]

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X-NIHONBASHIにて台湾貿易センターの方々と、医療ヘルスケア分野の新規宇宙事業についての協業検討を行いました。世界トップレベルの半導体技術やデジタル機器開発を行う台湾企業に対し、遠隔医療をはじめ今後の地上医療の発 […]

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JAXAのTHINK SPACE LIFE、宇宙美容機構Space Cosmetology Organizationと共に「宇宙生活を考える」チームを結成、市場のロードマップ策定へ向けた定期ミーティングを開始しました。近 […]

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Lecture Seminar

There are still countless medical issues in space, many of which have much in common with medical care on the ground. How will the human body change in space, and what new medical treatments will be created on the ground from the unique perspective of space? A medical expert with knowledge of space medicine will present these issues in an easy-to-understand manner.

Dr. Goto, president of our company, speaks at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation “Space Medicine x Rehabilitation” session.

On 14 July, Representative Goto spoke at the symposium “Space Medicine x Rehabilitation” at the 30 […]

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Dr. Goto, president of our company, speaks at the public symposium “Globe, Universe,Next future”- toward EXPO 2025-.

On 3 July, President Goto spoke at an event held at Yamato University in Osaka to celebrate the launch of a ne […]

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SPRING SYMPOSIUM 2024 – The space travel business and new medical care -” ended successfully.

On 21 March 2024, a symposium event on space travel and medicine was held at Cross-U in Nihonbashi.More than 5 […]

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Mr. Goto speaks at Italy Innovation Day 2023

On December 12, at the request of the Italian Embassy in Japan, our CEO, Mr. Goto, spoke at Italy Innovation D […]

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In-house Lecture at Ajinomoto Co.

We were invited to give a lecture at Ajinomoto Bio-Fine Research Laboratories. The themes were “Human Im […]

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Space Medicine Symposium Event Ends with a Success

On August 10, 2023, “Panel Discussion – Medical Healthcare Industry in the Space Age” was he […]

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Co-sponsored a space medicine session at the Society for Cardiovascular Interventions public lecture

Planned and supervised the “What Will Happen?” session at the Cardiovascular Intervention Society […]

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「夢を育てる」「どんな大人になって、どんなことをしたいのか」を学ぶプログラムDream Drivenにおいて、「宇宙」「医療」「起業」というテーマで代表の後藤が小学校低学年のお子さんにオンライン授業を行いました。多くのお […]

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JAXA新規事業部や他企業の方々と一緒に、小学生向けに宇宙生活用品アイデアを出し合うワークショップを開催しました。 宇宙で人が生活する時代を担う、多くの熱意あるお子さんに参加頂き大盛況となりました。

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京セラみなとみらいリサーチセンターでの社内講演にお呼び頂きました。 テーマは宇宙での「骨量低下・筋萎縮」「サーカディアンリズム」で、会場とオンラインで50名以上の皆様にお集まり頂きました。 ぜひ、次世代医療ヘルスケアのビ […]

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JAXA主催 THINK SPACE LIFEコミュニティで、プロジェクト主催勉強会を実施しました

宇宙生活と地上共通の課題解決を目指すJAXAのビジネスプラットフォームTHINK SPACE LIFEにて、コミュニティ内企業向けに勉強会を実施しました。宇宙生活という近い将来を見据えた市場の魅力と取り組み方について、テ […]

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