Our Business

Providing medical knowledge to companies targeting the space market


Business Coordination x Lecture Seminar

Please contact us if you need help with your space business in the medical field.

Case Studies/Achievements

Dr. Goto, president of our company, speaks at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation “Space Medicine x Rehabilitation” session.

On 14 July, Representative Goto spoke at the symposium “Space Medicine x Rehabilitation” at the 30 […]

Dr. Goto, president of our company, speaks at the public symposium “Globe, Universe,Next future”- toward EXPO 2025-.

On 3 July, President Goto spoke at an event held at Yamato University in Osaka to celebrate the launch of a ne […]

Participation as an expert company in the global space medicine business platform ”Human In Space”.

Organised by Boryung of Korea, Human In Space (HIS) Challenge is an idea competition that supports start-ups a […]


Dr. Goto, president of our company, speaks at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation “Space Medicine x Rehabilitation” session.

On 14 July, Representative Goto spoke at the symposium “Space Medicine x Rehabilitation” at the 30 […]

Dr. Goto, president of our company, speaks at the public symposium “Globe, Universe,Next future”- toward EXPO 2025-.

On 3 July, President Goto spoke at an event held at Yamato University in Osaka to celebrate the launch of a ne […]

President Goto appears on the US innovation leader program ‘Progress, Potential, and Possibilities’.

Progress, Potential, and Possibilities is a US platform program that interviews innovation leaders focused on […]



General Incorporated Association Space Medical Accelerator

Tsukuba Startup Park, 2-5-1 Azuma, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0031, Japan

【Purpose of the Corporation】
 Contribute to industry-academia-government collaboration to create medical healthcare technologies and services required for human space exploration and related new terrestrial medical technologies.

 1.Propose expertise and business strategies to companies aiming to enter the space market in the relevant field, and implement co-creation projects.
 2.Introduce partner companies and research institutes to companies aiming to enter the space market in the relevant field, and serve as intermediaries between the parties involved.
 3.Assistance in obtaining research funding for companies seeking to conduct research and development in the field of space medicine.
 4.Planning, organizing, and assisting in the planning of space-themed sessions and events at medical societies.
 5.All business activities incidental or related to the above items.

Contact Us

▼Please feel free to contact us.
